1. What do you feel is your personal mission in life and how has WOW helped you fill that?
Janet Sankey: My life goal is to serve my Lord and master; I desire to be used of God in submission to His will. I believe that WOW has been one of the instruments through which He has helped me fulfill that goal.
Lorena Glick: Working with women’s ministry. I have worked in ministry to women since I was a “kid” missionary in New Guinea. WOW has helped me fulfill my calling.
2. What has been your biggest challenge in serving in women's ministry?
Janet Sankey: Time constraints; I have had to guard against spreading myself too thin with so many areas of ministry that seem to absorb my days and hours. Since I travel with my "minister" spouse and try to keep up with his ministry as well, I have needed to balance my responsibility to WOW with the other areas of Christian service in which I’m involved . . . ministering to family, friends, neighbors and local church.
Lorena Glick: Knowing how to help hurting women overcome their obstacles. In my work at the Pregnancy Support Center and through Women of Worth, I see women dealing with difficulties in their marriages and in their homes. I want them to find happiness through getting their spiritual needs met; I want to offer them God.
3. How has Women of Worth changed you?
Janet Sankey: WOW has stretched my "borders" by making me aware of women's needs and issues outside my own local scope of ministry.
Lorena Glick: WOW has made me more compassionate. It has shown me even more clearly that people move along spiritually at different rates. I first began to see this as a young woman on the mission-field in New Guinea. I started having Bible classes and dealing with some heavy-duty issues and found that women everywhere deal with similar issues; different culture, same problems. WOW has helped me understand more fully that I should not criticize, but try walking a mile in my sister’s shoes.
4. How has God blessed you through WOW?
Janet Sankey: God gave me a wonderful dedicated committee of women who have worked so well as a team to see much accomplished for women’s ministry. Working together we've been able to reach hundreds of women and touch their lives in a positive way. It has blessed me to see God working across our country in many areas of our conservative ladies' lives.
Lorena Glick: Through WOW, God has given me a whole new family of sisters. When I see women from Women of Worth, I have that warm feeling - this is my family. I have also been blessed by seeing women grow as leaders through WOW.
5. What is in your future? What are you looking forward to?
Janet Sankey: I will continue to accompany my husband in his travels across the country both for IHC and in personal ministry. When that schedule changes, I am sure we will find areas of service in revivals, camp meetings, conventions as needed and as long as our health holds and God gives directions, we will follow. When we were married, almost 55 years ago, we sang together the song, "Let ‘us’ burn out for thee, dear Lord, burn and wear out for thee.” (Bessie F. Hatcher) That desire still burns strongly in our hearts. We are, and always have been, a team.
Lorena Glick: I want to see growth in our WOW chapters and in women’s ministry in general in the Conservative Holiness Movement. This is who I am called to. I want to see women live victorious lives in Christ. I want to see Women of Worth be part of a new thing God is doing. And we can, with God’s help and a great committee!
6. What would you say to the incoming director?
Janet Sankey: Lorena, I want you to know that you have a great host of supporters standing with you; you are not alone. God is also there to give direction and help. You are well equipped for this job. Your greatest challenge will be learning to adjust your daily schedule to fit all of the demands that will be upon you. But, with God’s help, you will do a magnificent job!
What would you say to the outgoing director?
Lorena Glick: Janet, it’s been great working under you. You have allowed me to grow. You did not micro-manage me, but allowed me space to develop my gifts. You have been more than a leader; you have been my friend. I love you much and wish you God’s very best as you step into the new season He has for you.