Thursday, August 1, 2013

Purses of Purpose Handout - Presented by Mrs. Rachel England at IHC 2014

Purses of Purpose
Discovering how God has fashioned our gifts for His greater design
Mrs. Rachel England

What is your PURSE?

1.     Your PURSE is a Test.  James 1:12
·         Character is both ___________________ and revealed by tests.
·         When you understand that your PURSE is a test, you realize that all that happens in your life and how you handle it is_______________________.
In what ways are you being tested right now in your life?


2.      Your PURSE is a Trust.  I Corinthians 4:2
·         We never really own anything during our brief stay on earth.  God owns everything and gives us the opportunity to be _____________of the gifts He has given us.
What are the top three things you have been entrusted with?


Why should you learn more about your PURSE?

1.     Understanding your PURSE gives _______________________to your life.

2.     Understanding your PURSE _____________________________ your life. 
Proverbs 13:7
·         It is impossible to do everything people want you to do.  You have just enough time to do God’s will
·         Understanding your PURSE of PURPOSE means living a simpler life and having a saner schedule.

3.     Understanding your PURSE ______________________________your life.  Philippians 3:15
·         Prune away even good activities and do only what matters most.   
·         Never confuse activity with productivity.

4.     Understanding your PURSE ______________________________your life. 

5.     Understanding your PURSE prepares you for _______________________.

What kinds of things do you carry in your PURSE?

Five of the most common things women carry in their PURSE:


Bag of Bondage
Purse of Purpose
Guilt - spend life running from regrets
          - manipulated by memories
          - past controls their future
Freedom - face regrets and move on
            - focus on making new memories
            - past challenges change for the future
Resentment and anger – tend to blow up or                  
            clam up
          - hurts you more than your target
Forgiveness - have received grace from God
            - extend forgiveness to others
            - channel and resolve anger
Fear  - keeps you in bondage
          - causes missed opportunities for 
Courage/Trust - focus on I John 4:18
            - face fears and conquer them with
              God’s help
Pride - produces materialism
          - tend to think of self more than others
          - unwilling to admit limitations
Humility - doesn’t think less of yourself,
               thinks of yourself less
             - admit limitations, recognizes strengths
Need for the approval of others    
          - expectations of others control your 
          - peer pressure to do what everyone
God’s approval  - God’s expectations rule
             - doesn’t succumb to peer pressure
             - not afraid to be different
             - God’s peace governs decisions
             - ultimate point of reference

How is your PURSE fashioned? Psalm 139:13-16, Romans 12:1

P – Personality  I Corinthians 12:6

1.     Your uniqueness is a ____________________fact of life – There is NO ONE and never will be anybody exactly like you.

2.     God loves ________________________ – just look around!

3.     The _____________________ gives us plenty of proof that God uses all types of personalities.

4.     There is no __________________________temperament for ministry.

5.     Your personality will affect ________________________you use your spiritual gifts and abilities.

6.     You can learn from the examples of others, but you must ____________ what you learn through your own PURSE.

7.     Our different personalities reflect God’s ______________to others.

U – Unique Abilities I Peter 4:10

1.     Your abilities are the _______________________you were born with.

2.     All our abilities come from God and can be used for________________________.

3.     God will never ask you to ________________your life to a task you have no talent for.

4.     God doesn’t waste abilities; He matches our calling and our_________________.

5.     Your abilities were not given just to make a living; God gave them to you for your ____________.
R – Real Passion  Ephesians 6:6

1.     Another word for passion is__________________.

2.     The Bible uses the term ____________ to describe the bundle of desires, hopes, interests, ambitions, dreams, and affections.

3.     Your heart represents the source of all your ________________– what you love to do and care about.

4.     You are probably interested in some subjects that no one else is – those interests come from God.

5.     Consider how your ______________might be used for God’s glory…There is a reason that you love to do these things.

6.     You know you are serving God from your heart when you are ______________________and when you are___________________.

7.     No one has to _______________you or challenge you or check up on you.

8.     Figure out what you _____________to do – what God gave you a heart to do – and then do it for His glory.

S – Spiritual Gifts  Ephesians 4:7

1.     You can’t earn your spiritual gifts or __________________them – that is why they are gifts!

2.     You don’t get to ____________________your gifts – God does.

3.     No person has all the gifts – because God wants us to __________________ on each other.

4.     Your spiritual gifts were given for the benefit of_____________________, not yourself.

5.     We’re commanded to ______________________ our spiritual gifts.  (an unopened gift is worthless)

6.     Two common problems are:

a.     ________________– When we compare our gifts with others’ and feel dissatisfied or become resentful or jealous of how God uses them.
b.     ________________– When we expect everyone else to have our gifts and feel passionate about it as we do.

E – Experiences  2 Corinthians 12:1

1.     You have been partly fashioned by your experiences in life, most of which where beyond your ________________.  God has allowed them for His purpose of molding you.

2.      God never wastes a ______________.  In fact, your greatest ministry will most likely come out of your greatest hurt!

3.      God intentionally allows you to go through ____________________to equip you for ministry to others.

4.     The very experiences that you have _________________ or regretted most in life – the ones you’ve wanted to hide and forget – are the experiences God wants to use to help others.

5.     For God to use your pain, you must be willing to _______ the experiences.

6.     Don’t _____________________your pain; use it to help others.

The key to dumping the bag of bondage and picking up the PURSE of Purpose is SURRENDER!!


How will you use your PURSE?
A.  Discover and surrender your PURSE of Purpose

a.     How do you know you are surrendered to God?
·        You rely on God to work things out.
·        You don’t ______________others.
·        You don’t have to be in charge or in control.
·        You don’t react to criticism and rush to defend yourself.
·        You don’t edge others out.
·        You don’t demand your rights.
·        You aren’t self-serving.
·        You experience God’s __________in your life.
b.    Surrender isn’t the best way to live; it is the _________ way to live.
c.      Surrender is not just a one time event.  There is a moment of surrender, and there is the ____________of surrender - which is daily.
Is there an area of your PURSE that you are holding back from surrendering to God?


B.  Accept and Enjoy your PURSE of Purpose

1.     When we try to overextend our ministry beyond what has God shaped us for, we experience__________________.

2.     NEVER_______________________. Galatians 6:4-5

3.     Don’t settle for a ________________________gift.

4.     If you don’t exercise your muscles, they weaken and ______________ – the same with your abilities and skills from God!

C.   Commit to using your PURSE of Purpose

1.           Sometimes our PURSE of Purpose can get lost.

          2.     Complete the enclosed inventories, and write a PURSE of Purpose Statement.  Put it where you can see it on a regular basis, and remember - it may change as the seasons of life change!
Discover Your Purse of Purpose

Directions:  The following pages are meant for you to do either on your own, with a partner, or in a small group.  In order for you to make the most of our Purses of Purpose talk, you need to take inventory for each area, record your “Parts of My Purse” on page 23, and then put it all in the “Purse of Purpose Statement” on the last page.  Then place your statement in a place where you can review it often and be reminded of how uniquely God has designed you for His purpose!

Some of these areas may overlap, and some may change for you as you enter different stages of your life.  That is okay!  It is a good idea to take time every once in a while to regroup and look at the ways perhaps God may be changing your PURSE.

Before you begin, spend time asking God to show you His plan for your PURSE and where He wants you at this important season of your life.  May God bless and keep you and guide you in your quest to be ALL for Him!

Rachel England

Much of the material for Purses of Purpose was gleaned from the book Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren and reorganized and personalized specifically for women and our needs.

Other references and helpful resources for this presentation:
Spiritual Gifts Inventory by Disciple Making Ministry
Spiritual Gifts Inventory by Timothy Brock
Spiritual Gifts Survey by Lifeway Christian Resources
Personality Test by Young People’s Ministry
Spiritual Gifts of Women in the Bible Chart, The Woman’s Study Bible, NKJV
Why You Act The Way You Do by Tim LaHaye
Doing Church as a Team by Wayne Cordeiro

Discover Your Personality
Take this short test to get an understanding of what kind of personality you are.  It is based upon Dr. Gary Smalley’s book The Treasure Tree.  Although it is not a highly scientific test, it serves as a way to understand the style of your PURSE OF PURPOSE!
Instructions:  Circle the words that best describe you. Double the number of words you chose in each box and record that number on the blank for each area. For example, if you circled five words under L, then put the number “10” in the box.  Then record your results on the graph at the bottom.
  • Do not look ahead to the personality types!  J
  • Do not pick what you want to be. Pick things that best describe you.
  • Do not over-analyze. Move quickly. Don’t ask for advice or input from others.

Likes authority
Enjoys challenges
Problem solver
Strong willed
Takes charge
Enjoys instructions
Double the number chosen:___
Double the number chosen:___
Mixes easily
Creative ideas
Loves laughter
Takes Risks
Very verbal
Enjoys popularity
Likes variety
Enjoys change
Sensitive feelings
Avoids confrontations
Enjoys routine
Warm and relational
Good listener
Even keeled
Gives in
Dislikes change
Dry humor
Peace maker
Double the number chosen:___
Double the number chosen:___





“Let’s do it now!”  This personality likes to lead. Lions are powerful leaders who love to be in the driver’s seat. Lions are good decision makers and are very goal-oriented. They enjoy challenges, difficult assignments, and the opportunity for advancement. Lions are problem-solvers and can be very aggressive and competitive.
Biblical Example: Paul, Lydia

Case Study: Acts 9:3-19, Acts 16:11-15

Strengths: Goal-oriented, strong, direct, produce results, confident, challenge others

Weaknesses: Argumentative, too dictatorial

Limitation: Doesn't understand that directness can hurt others; hard time expressing grace

Their Environment: Lots of projects, awards on the wall, large calendar, office furniture arranged in a formal way

They Gain Security by: Control

Their Pace: Fast and decisive

Their Needs: A climate that responds; want others to be efficient and to the point

They’re Irritated by: Wasted time, being unprepared, arguing, blocking results

For Growth They Need to: Appear less critical, respect people’s personal worth, develop tolerance for conflict, pace themselves. Avoid killing morale by being too heavy handed. Be softer and include others in making decisions. Recognize that directness can hurt others. Learn to express grace.

In Dealing With Them: Avoid attacking their character, telling them what to do, presenting win-lose scenarios. Provide them with options, the freedom to act. Be efficient and competent. If you disagree – argue facts, not personal feelings. Be precise, time-disciplined, and well-organized. Do not waste their time. They don’t need a lot of information to make a decision.

Other Examples:  Rabbit (from Winnie the Pooh), Lucy (Charlie Brown)

Careers:  Principal, Evangelist, Inventor, Manager, Teacher, Business CEO, Administrator, Producer, Judge

For Ministry: Comfortable with being in front of the group. Great at providing direction, casting vision, and driving the ministry.  Has confidence to lead a ministry with vision and purpose.                                             

“How was it done in the past?”  Beavers are very organized. They think that there is a right way to do everything, and they want to do it exactly that way. They are perfectionists. Beavers keep all the T’s crossed and the I’s dotted. They desire to solve everything and take their time to do it right. Beavers do not like sudden changes and often need reassurance.
Biblical Example: Moses, Martha

Case Study: Exodus 3-4, John 12:1,2

Strengths: High standards, order, respect, hard-working, detailed, accurate, focused on quality

Weaknesses: Unrealistic expectations of self and others, too perfect

Limitation: Seeing the optimistic side of things, expressing flexibility

Their Environment: Structured and organized, charts and graphs, functional decor, formal seating arrangement

They Gain Security by: Preparation

Their Pace: Slow and systematic

Their Needs: A climate that describes and focuses on accuracy and preciseness

They’re Irritated by: People who do not know what they are talking about, lack of attention to detail, surprises, unpredictability

For Growth They Need to: Make faster decisions, tolerate conflict, learn to compromise, adjust to change and disorganization. See the optimistic side of things. Learn to relax and don’t expect others to do things just like they do.

In Dealing With Them: Avoid criticizing, blunt personal questions, incomplete or inaccurate recommendations. Provide them with evidence that what you say is true and accurate. Give frequent progress reports and reviews. Avoid gimmicks and don’t rush decision making.

Other Examples: Eeyore, Linus,

Careers:  Nurse, Secretary, Accountant, Architect, Historian, Airplane Pilot

For Ministry: Never sloppy in organization. Their stability and faithfulness is comforting and inspiring to participants.

“Trust me!  It’ll work out!”  Otters are very social creatures. They are the life of the party. This personality loves people. They enjoy being popular and influencing and motivating others. Otters are sometimes hurt when others do not like them. They love to goof-off and are notorious for having messy rooms. Otters like to hurry to finish jobs. They are always ready to have fun and create a fun environment for others. They are energized by being around a lot of people. Otter personalities usually have lots of friends, but often not deep relationships.

Biblical Example: Peter, Miriam

Case Study: John 21:1-22, Exodus 15:20,21

Strengths: People person, open, positive, ability to rally troops to achieve goals or desired outcome.

Weaknesses: Talks too much, too permissive

Limitation: Remembering past commitments, follow through with discipline

Their Environment: Cluttered, awards and slogans on the wall, personal pictures, friendly

They Gain Security by: Flexibility

Their Pace: Fast and spontaneous

Their Needs: A climate that collaborates

They’re Irritated by: Too many facts, too much logic, boring tasks, same old approach, routine, being alone, people who are ignoring their opinions

For Growth They Need to: Respect priorities, more logical approach, follow through, get better organized, remember commitments, concentrate on the task at hand. Think before they speak and consider consequences before acting or making a decision.

In Dealing With Them: Avoid negativism, rejection, arguing. Be interested in them. Support their dreams, feelings, and opinions. Do not hurry the discussion – give them a chance to talk. Don’t deal with details. Put everything to them in writing. Everyone likes to spend time with Otters - except Beavers.

Other Examples: Tigger, Snoopy

Careers:  Teacher, Advertising, Sales, Actor, Songwriter, Reporter, Illustrator, Interior designer

Makes sure everyone in the ministry feels good. Creates a positive atmosphere that attracts others and is comfortable. Fills ministry with energy and life. Participants feel good about the group and their involvement in it.
G=Golden Retriever
“Let’s keep things the way they are.”  Golden Retrievers are great at making friends. They are very loyal. Retriever personalities do not like big changes. They look for security and can be very sensitive. Retrievers are very caring and have deep relationships, but usually have only a couple of close friends. A Golden Retriever wants to be loved by everyone. They look for appreciation and work best in a limited situation with a steady work pattern. They are known as peaceful leaders. The love to care for others and be cared for.
Biblical Example: Abraham, Mary

Case Study: Genesis 12-22

Strengths: Accommodating, calm, affirming… Possess a great amount of compassion. Listener.

Weaknesses: Indecisive, indifferent, unable to express emotions, too soft on other people

Limitation: Seeing the need to be more assertive, holding others accountable

Their Environment: Family pictures, slogans on the wall, personal items, relaxed friendly decorations

They Gain Security by: Close relationships

Their Pace: Slow and easy

Their Needs: A climate that processes

They’re Irritated by: Pushy and aggressive behavior, insincerity, being put on the spot, disrupting the status quo

For Growth They Need to: Take risks, delegate to others, confront, develop confidence in others, learn to change and adapt. Work on internal motivation as they are hard to motivate and frustrate the other personality types. Practice saying no. Make firm decisions.

In Dealing With Them: Avoid conflict, sudden unplanned risky changes, overloading or confusing concepts. Give them assurances, reliability, and assistance in presenting to others. Be non-threatening and sincere. Show interest in their feelings. Don’t push. Assure them you will stand behind their decision.

Other Examples: Pooh, Charlie Brown.

Careers:  Pharmacist, Psychologist, Counselor, Social Worker, Pastor, Secondary Teacher, Nurse

Ministry: Great at being there for those they serve. Offer time and much needed listening. Concerned personal needs of participants are met. Others feel they have a friend and a sense of connectedness.

U – Unique Abilities  

Take a moment to think about the abilities God has given you.  Circle as many as apply!

Some examples of Abilities:
Social Studies             Math                English                        Art                   Science
artistic ability              baking             planning                      debating          decorating
gardening                    quilting            managing                     music               inventing
organizing                   teaching           writing                         sports               making money
scrap-booking              cooking           photography                staying fit        cleaning
crafts                           fixing things    landscaping                 selling things   sewing
________________    ___________  _________________  ___________  ____________
________________    ___________  _________________  ___________  ____________

Is there an activity or area in my life I need to eliminate that is causing me stress because it is not in my area of abilities?


R – Real Passion 

Take a moment to think about the passions of your heart.  Circle all that apply to you.

Examples of Passions of Your Heart:
New Christians           Discipling                    Crisis Pregnancy                     Singles
Children                      Unchurched                Persecuted Christians              Homeless
Elderly                                    Politics                        Women’s Ministry                  Dating couples
Teens                           Family issues               Mothering                               Marriage         
________________    _________________  _____________________      ____________

Is there an area in my life I need to cut out that is not my passion that may be causing me stress?


Spiritual Gifts Survey

This is not a test, so there are no wrong answers. The Spiritual Gifts Survey consists of 60 statements. Some items reflect concrete actions; other items are descriptive traits; and still others are statements of belief.
Ø  Select the one response you feel best characterizes yourself and place that number in the blank provided. Record your answer in the blank beside each item.
Ø  Do not spend too much time on any one item. Remember, it is not a test. Usually your immediate response is best.
Ø  Please give an answer for each item. Do not skip any items.
Ø  Do not ask others how they are answering or how they think you should answer.
Ø  Work at your own pace.

Your response choices are:
4Highly characteristic of me/definitely true for me
3Most of the time this would describe me/be true for me
2Frequently characteristic of me/true for me–about 50 percent of the time
1Occasionally characteristic of me/true for me–about 25 percent of the time
0Not at all characteristic of me/definitely untrue for me

____    1.  I enjoy bonding with a certain group of people over a long period of time and
sharing personally in their struggles and triumphs.
____    2.  I enjoy organizing ideas, people and resources for more effective ministry.
____    3.  I can often sense whether someone’s motivation is not from God.
____    4.  I feel a strong burden to share the Gospel with those who do not know Jesus.
____    5.  I enjoy spending lots of time studying so that I can learn truth and then
                        communicate it clearly and effectively to others.
____    6.  There are specific times that I believed God for the impossible and saw it
                        happen in a very evident way.
____    7.  I take great joy in giving a generous portion of my income to the Lord.
____    8.  I enjoy doing little things that help others to get their work done more
____    9.  People often remark how comfortable they feel in my home.
____    10. I love to counsel the addicted, the discouraged, the wavering, etc.
____    11. I feel like I need to care for new or weak Christians and protect them from
                        influences that would hurt them or their relationship with God.
____    12. I love leading a group toward the accomplishment of goals.
____    13. I find that God often enables me to practically apply biblical truth to specific
____    14. I am very comfortable relating to people from other countries or cultures, and
                        they seem to be very comfortable with me.
____    15. I can easily challenge or correct others without making them feel condemned
                        because they know how much I believe in them.

Your response choices are:
4Highly characteristic of me/definitely true for me
3Most of the time this would describe me/be true for me
2Frequently characteristic of me/true for me–about 50 percent of the time
1Occasionally characteristic of me/true for me–about 25 percent of the time
0Not at all characteristic of me/definitely untrue for me

____    16.  I’m not afraid to try the seemingly impossible because my trust in God is
____    17.  I consciously make wise financial decisions in order to give more to the work
                        of the Church or to those in need.
____    18.  I don’t mind doing jobs that are menial or unpopular. To me it is all for the
                        glory of God.
____    19.  I enjoy opening my home to those who need a place to stay when passing
____    20.  I feel drawn to people who are hurting or in need.
____    21.  I enjoy working with people and desire to help them be the best person they
                        can be for the Lord.
____    22. When I see that a group or a plan lacks organization, I love to step in and
                        bring organization.
____    23.  I often look beyond what a person says or does to the motives behind it.
____    24.  I seem to often “know” when a person is ready to give their life to Christ and I
                        have personally led non-Christians to the point of making a decision to live for
____    25.  I tend to teach in a very logical, systematic way.
____    26.  I am able to trust in the reliability of God when all else looks dim.
____    27.  I am able to give consistently and sacrificially to God’s work because I am
                        completely confident that He will meet all my needs.
____    28.  I take great joy in finding small ways to help others and don’t care who gets
                        the credit.
____    29.  I love planning parties or social events at my home or church.
____    30.  I enjoy visiting places like nursing homes and hospitals in order to bring
                        people comfort and hope.
____    31.  I have brought friends or relatives back to faith who have strayed away.
____    32. When I’m part of a group, the others seem to look to me for leadership.
____    33.  People often come to me with their problems, and I usually know just what
                        kind of guidance to give them based on biblical truth.
____    34.  It is easy for me to make friendships with people of a different race.
____    35.  It gives me great joy to bring out the best in people and help them to reach full
                        spiritual maturity.
____    36.  I strongly believe that anything is possible with God.
____    37.  I have a strong sense of stewardship based on the recognition that God owns
                        all things.
____    38.  I take great satisfaction in doing routine or trivial tasks around the church
                        because I know it will lead to more effective ministry by others.

Your response choices are:
4Highly characteristic of me/definitely true for me
3Most of the time this would describe me/be true for me
2Frequently characteristic of me/true for me–about 50 percent of the time
1Occasionally characteristic of me/true for me–about 25 percent of the time
0Not at all characteristic of me/definitely untrue for me

____    39.  When people visit me at home, I do extra things to make them feel special
                        and I am confident they feel good about being there.
____    40.  I feel compassion for people who are hurting and lonely, and like to spend
                        considerable time with them to cheer them up.
____    41.  I like to give of my free time to meet other’s spiritual needs.
____    42.  People believe in me and seem to enjoy following me in doing a task.
____    43.  I like to spend time reading and studying so I can learn new spiritual truths.
____    44.  Non-Christians are very comfortable around me and have remarked that I
                        have influenced them toward a relationship with Christ or a decision to go to
____    45.  I love to offer practical, Biblical solutions to those who are troubled or
____    46.  Others often look to me for vision and direction.
____    47.  I often sense God leading me to give financially or materially to a specific
                        person or cause.
____    48.  I appreciate being called on to do things for other people.
____    49.  I enjoy meeting new people and introducing them to others in the group.
____    50.  I enjoy helping and working with those people who are ignored by others.
____    51. God has used me to share spiritual insights which have strengthened the faith
                        of others.
____    52.  I am willing to be the first to step out to try a new way of doing something.
____    53. God often shows me very clearly how to pray or respond to difficult
____    54.  I would love to learn another language in order to reach out to those from a
                        different culture.
____    55.  It is very important to me that truth is presented in its complete context, and I
                        am bothered when scripture is used out of context.
____    56.  I am willing to yield to God’s will rather than question and waver.
____    57.  I love looking for ways to give to others without needing to call attention to
____    58.  I often notice when someone needs help with something, and I’m always
                        happy to help.
____    59. When in a group I tend to recognize and approach those who are sitting or
                        standing alone.
____    60.  I feel like I have extraordinary compassion for those who are in some kind of
                        pain or distress.

Spiritual Gifts Survey Answer Sheet

Scoring your Survey
Follow these directions to figure your score for each spiritual gift. 
  1. Place your numerical response (0-4) next to the survey number.
  2. For each gift, add the numbers across the line and put the total next to the name of the gift.

Answers                                             Totals
1____ 11____ 21____ 31____ 41____ 51____= ________Shepherding/Discipling (A)
2____ 12____ 22____ 32____ 42____ 52____= ________Administration/Leadership(B)
3____ 13____ 23____ 33____ 43____ 53____=_________Knowledge/Discernment/Wisdom (C)
4____ 14____ 24____ 34____ 44____ 54____= ________Evangelism/Missions (D)
5____ 15____ 25____ 35____ 45____ 55____= ________Exhortation/Teaching (E)
6____ 16____ 26____ 36____ 46____ 56____= ________Faith (F)
7____ 17____ 27____ 37____ 47____ 57____= ________Giving (G)
8____ 18____ 28____ 38____ 48____ 58____= ________Service/Helps (H)
9____ 19____ 29____ 39____ 49____ 59____= ________Hospitality (I)
10____20____30____ 40____ 50____ 60____=   _______Mercy/Encouragement (J)

Graphing Your Profile
1.      For each gift place a mark across the bar at the point that corresponds to your TOTAL for that gift.
2.      For each gift shade the bar below the mark that you have drawn.







The graph gives a picture of your gifts.  Gifts for which the bars are tall are the ones in which you appear to be strongest.  Gifts for which the bars are very short are the ones in which you appear not to be strong.

Spiritual Gifts Descriptions
Discovering Your Best Fit in the Church

1 Corinthians 12:27-31
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 28 And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But eagerly desire the greater gifts.

Definition: This is a leadership gift that enables a person to determine direction and set goals in accordance with God’s will and communicate those goals in a way that motivates and inspires others to achieve those goals harmoniously and effectively. Those with this gift are visionaries who are more concerned with the big picture that with the details and are often expert at delegating specific tasks to people based on their gifts and abilities.
Woman in the Bible:  Deborah – Judges 4:4-14
Scripture References:  I Corinthians 14:40, Luke 14:28-30, Titus 1:5, Luke 9:51, 1 Timothy 5:17, Hebrews 13:17
Serving in the Body: Those with this gift are often pastors, ministry leaders, leaders of organizations, church, planters, consultants, leaders of special projects, or elders. They also enjoy teaching and taking part in strategic planning for new ministry initiatives or special projects.

Definition: These are practical gifts that enable a person to have a greater understanding of God’s Word and communicate it a way that strengthens the faith of others. Those with these gifts often sense truth about a person or a situation. They have an unusual ability to understand Biblical truth and apply it to everyday life and specific needs or situations that arise within the body of Christ. Those facing complicated situations will often naturally seek out someone with these gifts.
Women in the Bible:  Abigail - I Samuel 25:2-42, Mary – Luke 1:46-56
Scripture References: Matthew 16:21-23, Hebrews 5:14, 1 John 4:1, Daniel 1:17, 2 Corinthians 11:6, Acts 5:1-11, Acts 6:3, James 3:13, Psalms 49:3, Proverbs 2:6
Serving in the Body: Those with this gift are often involved in praying with people at the altars, counseling, intercessory prayer meetings, leading a Bible study, teaching, or writing.

Definition: This is a practical gift that enables a person to share the Gospel to unbelievers in a way that frequently leads the person to become a disciple of Jesus. All Christians should be involved in evangelism, but those with this gift have an unusual ability to sense when someone is ready to receive Christ and will typically be more successful at winning people to Christ than others.
Women in the Bible:  Daughters of Philip – Acts 21:9
Scripture References: Acts 8:5-6, 2 Timothy 4:5, Acts 8:26-40.
Serving in the Body: Those with this gift are often involved in outreach, missions, preaching and teaching – especially in teaching others how to effectively share the Gospel.

Definition: This is a communication gift that enables a person to speak comfort, consolation, encouragement and counsel to someone who is hurting or discouraged in a way that they feel truly encouraged. This gift enables a person to communicate Biblical truth in a way that is effective for helping others to learn and grow. Those with this gift often have a strong desire to help others to practically apply insights that they’ve gained through personal experience and Biblical study and love studying the Bible.  They are great at taking information and organizing and presenting it in a way that’s very easy for someone to understand and remember.
Woman in the Bible:  Priscilla – Acts 18:24-28
Scripture References:  Acts 11:23-24, Acts 14:21-22, Luke 3:16-18, Hebrews 10:25, Hebrews 5:12-14, Matthew 7:28-29, Matthew 28:19-20
Serving in the Body: Those with this gift often enjoy teaching Sunday school classes, teaching new converts, leading Bible studies, speaking at various events, writing books or sermons, serving as a pastor, counselor, altar worker or training people in some area.

Definition: This is a practical gift that enables the person to discern with extraordinary confidence the will and purposes of God for His work. Those with this gift have conviction that is not shaken by circumstances or obstacles, and take heroic stands for the future of God’s work in the church. People of faith are often irritated by criticism because they consider it to be criticism against God and His will and they are in danger of projecting their gift of faith onto others.
Woman in the Bible:  Syro – Phoenician WomanMatthew 15:21-28
Scripture References: Hebrews 11:1-2, Romans 4:18-21
Serving in the Body: Those with this gift often enjoy praying for people at the altar, prayer meetings, hospital, visitation, etc.

Definition: This is a practical gift that enables a person to give of their material possessions and time to the work of the church willingly, cheerfully, with liberality and without thought of return. All Christians should practice the discipline of giving, but those with this gift are keenly aware that all they have belongs to God and that they are only stewards.
Woman in the Bible:  Widow with Two Mites – Luke 21:2-4
Scripture References: 2 Corinthians 8:1-4, Matthew 6:2-4, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Serving in the Body: Those with this gift are often involved in fund raisers, supporting missionaries, giving over the tithe, relief agency work, serving on finance or management committees, providing meals for those in need, food and clothing distribution, providing transportation when needed, etc.

Definition: This is a practical gift that enables the person to provide an open house and a warm welcome as a means of serving those in need of food, lodging and fellowship. Those with this gift enjoy visitors in their home, and are usually not bothered if someone stops by. Their home is typically not spotless and they are instrumental in helping new people become a part of the group.
Woman in the Bible:  Martha – John 12:1,2
Scripture References: 1 Peter 4:9, Acts 16:14-15, Romans 12:13, Hebrews 13:1-2
Serving in the Body: Those with this gift usually enjoy providing lodging in their home for those in need, hosting, events or parties, entertaining, providing meals for those in need, greeting, etc.

Definition: This is a practical gift that enables a person to feel exceptional empathy and compassion for Christians or non-Christians who are suffering physically, mentally or emotionally and compels them to take action in order to alleviate this suffering. It is extremely difficult for those with this gift to not help those who seem less fortunate.
Woman in the Bible:  Dorcas – Acts 9:36-42
Scripture References:  Mark 9:41, Acts 11:28-30, Acts 16:33-34, Luke 10:30-37.
Serving in the Body: Those with this gift usually enjoy ministering to the mentally or physically handicapped or visiting hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and shut-ins. They may also enjoy working with recovery programs (recovery from divorce, drug and alcohol abuse, etc.), praying for people at the altar or counseling.

Service / Helps
Definition: This is a practical gift that enables a person to identify unmet needs or undone tasks related to the church and seek out and use available resources in order to get the job done. Those with this gift get true joy from doing routine tasks around the church.
Woman in the Bible:  Peter’s Mother-in-law – Luke 4:38, 39
Scripture References: Galatians 6:2, Romans 12:7, Galatians 6:9-10
Serving in the Body: Those with this gift often enjoy doing servant evangelism, volunteering at soup kitchens or shelters, volunteering to help wherever there’s an area of need in the church, doing repair or construction work around the church, cooking meals for those in need, ushering, greeting, clerical work, set-up/tear-down for events, sending cards or flowers to those in need, cleaning the church, etc.

Definition: This is a leadership gift that enables a person to assume responsibility for the spiritual care and growth of a group of believers. Those with the pastoral gift often have a great need for discipleship through long-term relationships and are willing to be very self-sacrificing in order to strengthen others in their faith.
Woman in the Bible:  Hannah – I Samuel 1-2
Scripture References:1 Peter 5:2-4, John 10:11, 1 Timothy 3:1-7
Serving in the Body: Those with this gift are often pastors of churches, elders, ministry leaders, or Bible study /small group leaders. They may also be involved with one-on-one discipleship, mentoring, follow-up, caring for a church staff, or counseling.

Implementing Your Spiritual Gifts
Now that you know your spiritual gifts, list the gifts with the top three scores below:
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________

Ask God to help you know how you can begin to use your gifts in ministry for God.
Ask yourself these questions:
Ø Is there some current place of ministry in my church that I can serve God?

Ø Is there a new ministry that God is leading me to start?

Ø Is there an area in my life I need to cut out that is NOT my gift area that may be draining me?

Below are some ideas for areas of service that might interest you based on your gifts.
Preschool / Children / Youth Ministries                              General Ministries
Sunday School / Bible Study                                                  Visitation
Nursery                                                                                   New Member orientation
Mission programs                                                                    Prayer chain / list
Vacation Bible School                                                            Mission projects
Choir programs                                                                       Worship service help
Camps                                                                                     Benevolence
After school projects                                                               Committees
Special activities/events
Adult Ministries                                                                     Community activities / events
Sunday School / Bible Study                                                  Leadership help in areas
Counseling                                                                              Administration help in areas
Women’s activities / events                                                    Office assistance
Prayer meeting / groups                                                          Church planning groups
Discipleship                                                                             Church recreation / fellowship
Choir programs                                                                        
Greeters / Ushers

E – Experiences

“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.  When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 
2 Corinthians 12:1

Examine six kinds of experiences from your past and write down the first thing that comes to mind:

Family experiences:      What did you learn growing up in your family?

Educational experiences:  What are some things that happened to you at school?

Vocational experiences:  What jobs have you been most effective in and enjoyed
the most?

Spiritual experiences:  What have been your most meaningful times with God?

Ministry experiences:    How have you served God in the past?

Painful experiences:      What problems, hurts, thorns, and trials have you learned


Text Box:


Text Box:

Unique Ability
Real Passion

Spiritual Gift

My Purse of Purpose Statement

Whereas my God has
lovingly fashioned me with a
____________________ Personality 

and given me the Unique ability
to _______________________,
a Real Passion to ______________________, and specifically designed my Spiritual gift
of _________________________,
I will use my ______________________ Experience to love Him, grow in Him, share Him, and serve Him in the following ways:
